Totally New Here - Scape Company Names from a list of URLs

Hi Martin,

It depends on where you extract this data and your flow. Robomotion is a low-code automation platform to build your own automation. It is not a no-code tool. So for example you can build a flow to search names in Google Maps and extract the name and address. We are going to share a template for this to get started faster but you can build this today if you get familiar with the tool.

If you haven’t already, I also suggest you join our Discord community server at to get a much faster response.

Here are all the resources to start with Robomotion

:zap:Flow Designer Tutorials ( a quick tour - you have to be logged in ) - Robomotion Flow Designer
:zap:Documentation Page Tutorials -
:zap:Templates -
:zap:Webinars - Robomotion RPA
:zap:Forum -
:zap:Community -
:zap:Youtube -

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